Community Unity Table

Our Difference, Makes the Difference


These annual dinners are hosted in counties across the Magic Valley. The purpose is to create a strong sense of community and ultimately to have thriving diverse communities. The Community Unity Table dinner will create an opportunity for open conversations with community leaders, and residents who otherwise wouldn’t have an opportunity to meet them. At each event, we will highlight one cultural aspect of the community through food, entertainment, and speakers.


  • Provide an annual opportunity for the community to come together.
  • Allow participants to experience an evening where they spend more time as “human beings” than
    “humans doing.”
  • Provide an opportunity to celebrate our diverse culture and people.
  • Share Unity Alliance belief of “our differences is what make a difference.”


Over the past few years, Unity Alliance of Southern Idaho has brought more than 700 attendees from around the Magic Valley together to celebrate diversity, embrace cultures, and create new bonds between community members and leaders. Some of our past Community Unity Table Events have highlighted and celebrated the Bosnian, Salvadorian, Mexican, Farming and Congolese cultures as well as our local farming communities and lifestyles.